Hair Transplant “What is Hair Transplantation?”


Hair transplantation is the most clear and permanent solution for hair loss.

We can also call the hair transplant operation as “micro-surgical practice performed within the healthcare institution”. Microsurgery operation. In hair transplantation, it is used to mean hair transplantation has less interventions than a normal operation.

One of the most basic problems of today is hair loss. Although baldness caused by hair loss seems to be unique to men in general, it is also seen in women at an increasing rate.

In a daily basis 50 to 100 hair strand loss is considered normal. If there is hair loss above these digits, you should consult a specialist. There are various treatments such as hair laser, PRP, mesotherapy, autologous micrograft to prevent hair loss. Although hair loss can be partially reduced by these treatments, the most clear and natural and permanent solution for people who have experienced intense hair loss is hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation is a procedure in which the hair roots in the nape region of the patients head  are collected and implanted in the channels that are opened in the areas that are balded or sparse.

The hair on the nape is a spare part of our body, not only with the heroism of the transplanting team, but as its completely creation feature. It is one of the bodily miracles of human beings that it does not fall out and its roots are alive for life. As the hair transplantation team, the most important thing we do is to take the hair follicles that have this feature from the nape of the head and move them to the balded and sparse regions.

What Are The Technologies Used In Hair Transplantation?

  • Robot, 

  • Choi/DHI,
  • Percutaneous
  • FUE,
  • Sapphire

What Are The Methods Of Anesthesia Used In Hair Transplantation?

  • Sedation Method
  • Local anesthesia Method

The different naming of hair transplantation techniques is related to the medical equipment used in these stages.

All the following hair transplantation techniques are successfully applied in our clinic. It is determined according to the joint decision of the doctor and the patient.

1- Normal FUE hair transplantation

The hair roots which are separated and collected with the help of micro-motors, are implanted manually in the channels that are opened. It is the most common method used.

2- DHI (unshaven) hair transplantation

This method is also called direct hair transplantation. In this hair transplant method, the channel is opened by using a medical pen named choi and the transplantation process is performed at the same time.

Hair roots to be implanted will stay in the external environment for a much shorter period of time to remain healthy.

3- Sapphire FUE hair transplantation

The obvious difference in this technique is the use of a sapphire-tipped pen instead of a metal slit during the opening phase of the channel.

The main factor that makes the method different is the opening of smaller micro channels through sapphire ends, thus speeding up the healing process and reducing the scabbing.

4- Robotic hair transplantation

Here the roots of hair are collected with equipment called Hair transplant robot. The channels are also opened with the same hair transplantation robot. Then the collected roots are implanted manually.

Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?

Anyone over the age of 18 who does not have any disease diagnosed can have hair transplantation.There is a misconception that only men have hair transplantations. On the contrary, women can also get hair transplantations done and very positive results are obtained.

The necessary criteria for achieving success in hair transplantation

If you have achieved a natural hair growth look after the healing process is complete then you have had a successful procedure. So what should be considered?

  • The grafts collected from the nape of the head must be enough to fill in the balded and sparse regions to achieve the best results.
  • Hair follicles collected have to be alive and healthy,
  • The team collecting the grafts must be experienced,
  • Sufficient thickness of hair strands to be implanted,
  • Removing the hair follicles thoroughly and cleaning the graft epithelium as much as possible,
  • The channels to be opened are smooth and at the right angle,
  • The correct placement of the hair follicles to be inserted into the channels,
  • Having experience in the field of the doctor who will perform the hair transplantation operation,
  • Hair transplantation clinic must be a licensed clinic approved by the Ministry of health.

How Many Days Should I Reserve For Hair Transplantation?

If we consider the pre-and post-hair transplant operations, three days will be enough to leave. In this 3 day process;

Day.1 (Hair Transplant):

In our clinic, PRP included hair transplantation operation is completed.

Day. 2 (Control):

The patient who comes to the clinic is checked to see if there is a risk of infection, injury or bleeding in the roots that are newly implanted. The bandage placed on the donor area is removed. Especially for patients who come from abroad and have a limited time, the first wash can be done on the second day.

Day. 3 (First Wash):

After hair transplantation, the patient comes to the clinic for the first wash, which is an important stage. We apply a special lotion to the transplanted regions for about 20 minutes. The first wash is then done professionally. That way our Patient won't have to come to our clinic again.



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